The Impact Cycle

Regular price $43.95

For hundreds of thousands of educators, Jim Knight has bridged the long-standing divide between staff room and classroom offering up a much a more collaborative, respectful, and efficient PD model for achieving instructional excellence.

The Impact Cycle trailer

A decade of research and hundreds of in-services later, The Impact Cycle provides an all-new instructional coaching cycle to help teachers and, in turn, their students improve in clear, measurable ways.

The Impact Cycle comes loaded tools and resources, including a comprehensive video program, robust checklists, and a model Instructional Playbook. Quickly, you’ll learn how to:

  • Interact and dialogue with teachers as partners
  • Guide teachers to identify emotionally compelling, measurable, and student-focused goals
  • Set coaching goals, plan strategies, and monitor progress for optimal impact
  • Use documentary-style video and text-based case studies as models to promote maximum teacher clarity and proactive problem solving
  • Streamline teacher enrollment, data collection, and deep listening


More Resources for The Impact Cycle:

Watch dozens of videos of the complete cycle with elementary and secondary teachers, and download free coaching forms, checklists, and other tools here.

Watch The Impact Cycle Webinar here.